图片来源:Fred Rambaud “这是个奇怪的时期,”在时装秀开始前和结束后,我与Azzedine Alaïa聊到最近时装界发生的种种剧变,他这样说道。 正如许多身在巴黎之人,Azzedine的兴趣并不在刚...
Pharrell Williams与SuzyMenkes在阿姆斯特丹G-Star RAW总部合影 图片来源:@SuzyMenkesVogue 当我与Pharrell Williams聊起他在G-Star RAW的投资时,我们顺势聊了聊他的另一项日常工作:音乐事业。 他所说...
McKinsey合伙人McKinsey在首尔康泰纳仕奢侈品研讨会现场关于为何韩国会成为免税品大国的演讲吸引了满座听众 图片来源:InDigital 韩国业已崛起成为免税零售的顶级目的地之一,估值已达...
敬请期待中文版 Eva Chen,Head of Fashion Partnerships at Instagram, and Olivier Rousteing,Creative Director at Balmain, take a selfie with Suzy on the firstday of the CNI Luxury Conference in Seoul Picture credit: InDigital IF THERE A...
G-Star RAW品牌共同所有人兼创意总监PharrellWilliams在阿姆斯特丹公司总部 头顶上方有只鲨鱼在摇摆,被填充得像个呆萌的儿童玩具。下面是一组排列整齐的男女装牛仔服饰,还有一顶巨大...
敬请期待中文版 Picture credit: Getty Zaha Hadid, sitting in Issey Miyake pleats that followedthe flow of her ample figure, always had a twist of her fleshy lips- her signature smile - when I saw her in fashions front rows. Herdeath a...
敬请期待中文版 StephenWebster in his Mayfair studio, where the launch party for his newbook, Goldstruck, washeld Picture credit: @SuzyMenkesVogue MOUNT STREET IS one of the fanciest areas in London, hometo the classy Connaught Hotel...
Suzy与Chanel面料总监Kim Young-Seong在巴黎康朋街的Chanel总部 图片来源:@SuzyMenkesVogue 沙发说明了一切。白色的沙发罩上画满了涂鸦的心、骷髅,还有宝蓝色、玫粉色和淡黄色的签名——都是...
Suzy和Charlotte Dellalh 图片来源:SuzyMenkesVogue Hermès:冬日仙境 一只美洲豹潜行穿越热带密林中低矮的灌木丛,在这双鞋的脚趾上一跃而过。而另一双鞋上,一只大猩猩灵活地跃过脚背。...