Lucie Rie夫人在其伦敦工作室中留影,Snowdon勋爵1989年拍摄 图片来源:@ ARMSTRONG JONES 当我应邀为《午宴》杂志(Luncheon)撰写关于蜚声国际的陶艺家Lucie Rie的长文时,我对这场艺术与文化...
敬请期待中文版 TAKE YOUR CHOICE: nude-coloured sandals swaying with colourful furry pompoms; shiny silver brogues; cork pumps; or olé olé high-heels embroidered with flowers. By the time I had finished my tour of his three differen...
敬请期待中文版 Osklen Spring/Summer 2017 @SuzyMenkesVogue Sheltering behind a line-up of woven straw hats, worn by models of both sexes, the Brazilian designer behind the Osklen label expounded his belief about linking fashion with n...
敬请期待中文版 An entire room of Gaugin paintings – sunshine yellow, lush green, coral and blush pink – is an introduction to the exceptional eye of the great Russian collector, Sergei Ivanovich Shchukin, a wealthy Tsarist-era te...
图片来源:INDIGITAL Valentin Yudashkin找到了令自己的巴黎大秀重焕生机的法子——干脆不现身。他的女儿以及尚在襁褓之中的外孙代替他在秀后登场谢幕,与整个系列产生的效果一样,青春...
敬请期待中文版 Milans eighteenth-century Rotonda Della Besana gardens where Marni held its flower market to celebrate the labels 20th anniversary @SuzyMenkesVogue I knew it had to happen – but my heart was heavywhen the letter came...
图片来源:INDIGITAL 巴黎大皇宫高耸的拱门沐浴在日光下,下面是一整排大型电脑呼呼做响,主机底部各色线缆盘曲缠绕。 图片来源:INDIGITAL 这些科技感十足的数据库阵列构成了观众座...
敬请期待中文版 Suzy inside the lush tropics of São Paolos Iguatemi luxury shopping mall, which celebrates its 50th anniversary this year @SuzyMenkesVogue The rich pink orchids leading to a quaint clock powered by water take up prime...
图片来源:INDIGITAL 据Hermès艺术总监Pierre AlexisDumas说,Martin Margiela于1997至2003年执掌Hermès的那段岁月,将作为在安特卫普时尚博物馆(Mode Museum)举办的回顾展的主题。Pierre AlexisDumas是已...
Vivienne Westwood的“裸胸”印花、“Chanel超市”里脚蹬运动鞋的顾客、John Galliano的臀垫、还有Manolo Blahnik为Rihanna打造的长及大腿根的长靴……高级时装真的要堕落至此吗?上面这一串走粗...